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TIK Features

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    Educational Philosophies

    • A “whole-child” curriculum and approach to education

      At TIK, we have a “whole-child” educational approach that identifies the best in each and every child and supports them in extending their abilities. This way of thinking guides everything that we do, from our educational policies, to the way we share with families, and how we interact with children and plan our curriculum.

    • A “cross-curricular” approach

      A unique aspect of our lessons is their “cross-curricular” approach, based upon a “whole- child” educational philosophy.
      For example, during as study of "All About Me", and the human body, we would not only learn about the different body parts and their functions but also introduce the bodies of different animals (science) and compare them with ourselves, show them how to use their own body in interesting ways to create art, have them move their body in a variety of ways (physical education), and learn that some people have physical disabilities (social and moral education). If children were especially interested in this topic, then further investigations would emerge.

      自発性と多角的な視点を養う「クロスカリキュラム」 How Why
    • “Pull-out lessons”

      One of the characteristics of TIK is its individualized pull-out lessons. These lessons are provided to children in need up to three times per week, mainly in areas such as English and mathematics, which are subjects where differences between individual learning environments and aptitudes are common.

      By conducting these pull-out lessons, we are able to identify the abilities, aptitudes, and learning needs of each child share this with their families. We value helping children not only to extend their natural strengths but also master areas in which they are not yet comfortable, providing an education that brings out their star qualities.

      マンツーマンで苦手も得意なことも伸ばす「Pull-out Lesson」
    教育方針 How Why
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    Teacher training and rich lesson content

    TIK teachers are selected to provide your child with a quality learning experience based on the latest educational research, along with ensuring high levels of safety. Our current teaching staff are all professionally trained educators and many have international teaching experience.

    Teachers participate in school-based and online Professional Deveopment throughout the year. Lessons are regularly evaluated to ensure the highest standard of education for your child. Teachers are motivated to maintain the highest of educational standards.

    教員の育成によって生まれる質の高い授業 Teachers who have studied abroad outside the country%
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    Creating a sense of community with families as partners

    Cooperation between the school and families is vital in helping children reach their full potential. TIK aims to act in partnership with families to support the development of children. To this end, 30 minutes of communication time is allocated each day when parents can speak face to face with staff before or after class to share important information. “Friday Family Circle Time” is held at least once a month for children to perform songs and for parents to see what has been learned in class. Open Houses are provided twice a year, as well as twice annual “Coffee Nights” which allow parents and teachers to engage in professional development discussions related to early childhood education. Various special events such as Halloween and Christmas are also times when families can meet one another and interact with their children at school. In providing these forums, we strive to create a strong community.

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    An Education that values Japanese culture

    Through our program of events and creative activities, we impart to children a knowledge of Japan's traditional events, its culture and morality. In the morning session, daily thirty minute Japanese classes are provided. Your child will learn the skills needed to operate in Japanese society as well as the basics needed to progress to a Japanese school in the future. Japanese language is learned, including hiragana and katakana. We value providing an education in Japanese language and culture so that your child will feel comfortable shining in any environment and be: Truly International Kids!

    日本文化を大切にした教育 A day of
Japanese classes