Feb. 01, 2023
How do boats float?
Aug. 05, 2022
Water play is the best in Summer!
Jul. 21, 2022
Star Festival 🌟
Apr. 14, 2022
Early Explorer children made a camp fire!
Jul. 14, 2021
Summer School Sensory Experiences!
May. 18, 2021
Exploring plants and other garden delights!
May. 12, 2021
Azabu children are learning all about garden treasures!
Apr. 12, 2021
Math concepts made fun!
Dec. 11, 2020
Baby & Early Explorers enjoyed an ice cube activity and a snowman activity!
Dec. 03, 2020
Kindergarten friends compared grocery store and rainforest. How to they each provide food to people/animals that live there?